Life's pathways. This phase has me thinking a lot lately and reflecting so much on God's will for my life. His will. Let's just say 2010 so far has been a long year. I really thought my life would be going one way and now it is another. I barely had time to blink. I am currently walking down a path that I didn't plan or see coming. A path that The Lord has orchestrated and forced me onto. I'm going to be completely honest I've been experiencing several conversations in my head lately...have you ever had them.....You know what I'm talkin' about....those conversations.
"Are you serious Lord? Is this really Your plan? Are you sure you've got Your hand in This one? Are you sure this is Your best...I mean I kind of feel like I've been getting the short end of the stick lately..."
I know I've said it before, I hate change. I really, really hate it. I love to be comfortable and know what's coming next. I love to be in a routine and have every detail planned out. Maybe, just maybe that's why He has me on this path right now. This path is the most uncomfortable one I have been on & oh how I have been praying for Him to take me off of it. As I listened to Perry Noble this morning I was reminded of the question he asked....His kingdom or my comfort?
Oh Joy.
I have a confession to make. I have been so consumed with what's been going on that I had lost sight of that question. I had almost forgotten that He knows my heart better than I do & has nothing but the best for me. It was almost as if He was saying, Baby girl, I know you & I formed you. My dreams for you are bigger than you could ever dream. Let go. Trust. Give me control." I found myself seeking some serious forgiveness at the feet of my sweet Jesus this morning, asking Him to use this path right now for His glory and His kingdom, even if I am uncomfortable & that means staying on this path a little longer.
This path is not one that I thought I'd be on but it is the one He has chosen for me. I have no idea what He is up to but I refuse to quit. No matter what comes next. My sweet Jesus is up to something big & I have so much peace in knowing that He is in control & orchestrating every step along the way.
"Take my will and make it Thine it shall be no longer mine. Take my heart it is Thine own it shall be Thy royal throne. Take my love, my Lord I pour at Your feet its treasure store. Take myself and I will be ever, only, all for Thee. Here am I, all of me. Take my life it's all for Thee."