Sunday, September 19, 2010

These are the last...I promise!

Okay I am sure y'all are tired of seeing all of my pictures from The Open but my friend Sarah just sent me these from our trip and I couldn't resist uploading them to the blog because they are too cute!

Sarah & I on the last day. We had a phone sticker so we got to take some pictures inside the ropes! We sat on hole one all day and watched everyone tee off & come up 18!

If you follow me on twitter you know I have the school girl crush on Dustin Johnson! I had hung out with him one night before The Open started but didn't have my camera or ask for an autograph because um hello, I was trying to play it cool!

Sarah & I were waiting to get his autograph after he finished up but he took too long & we wanted to beat the crowd so we left. These are our "sad face" pictures because we didn't see him!

Rory....let me just tell y'all he is a rock star in Great Britain! No lie I got squashed
between several people and almost got hurt because of people trying to get to him! His fans are CRAZY!!

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"Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert."
Isaiah 43:19

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