Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cute Little Story...

I know I talk a lot about how much I love my job. This sweet story is just one of the many reasons why I cherish what I do.....

This morning after Jhigh Bible study a Mom of one of my sweet preschoolers came up to me and asked if her daughter Taylor had told me about the conversation at the dinner table the other night. I told her that she hadn't so Mrs. Chapman proceeded to tell me that her four year old son has gotten his first crush.....and it's on me. She said out of the blue he looked up and said.... "Mom, I think Miss Joy is so beautiful & she's going to be my girlfriend one day." Is that not just precious? I just couldn't resist certianly brightened my day!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Things I Love...

So I have been racking my brain to come up with something amazing and great to blog about but keep coming up with nothing. I'll start what I think is going to be great post then come to a dead end. I just can't seem to get my thoughts on paper or the computer and that is driving me crazy because I love to write! Blogging has almost become therapeutic for me....I love sharing my thoughts and heart with the people who read my blog. Some of you may think that's weird and I guess it is a little bit but I truly do love it. Since I'm having "writers block" I wanted to make this blog simple and share with y'all some things that I love and cherish most in we go....

*My Sweet Jesus*
Over these past six months I have truly come to understand the statement "He's all you need."
I feel like I have fallen in love with Him all over again and wouldn't trade that for anything in this world.
*My precious friends*
I'm sure you can tell by my blog that I love my precious friends. They are such blessings to me and my life!
*Monday Night Small Group*
What a blessing this group has been! We've been meeting for over two years now and have grown so close over time! I look forward to and cherish my time in the word each Monday night with these sweet girls!
*The Simple Things*
This lesson I have learned these past few weeks....I LOVE the simple things. Sitting out by the pool with the people you care about the most, a card from a friend, or a hug from a preschooler.... I am learning the simple things mean the most to me.
*My GiGL Team*
I have the greatest team. Period. I am crazy about them.
*My Job*
See above...I get to love on JHigh students & preschoolers while working along side an amazing staff!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day's Two & Three...

Here are some pictures from days two and three! So far VBS has been so much fun...God is doing huge things and blessing me like crazy!!!

Sweet Mallory & Me....

Super Spy & Super Sweet.....

Some of my GiGL team...

This is my amazing costume...the boots are my favorite! :)

Sweet Girls...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Day One....

Today was day one of Vacation Bible School out at the West Campus! Let me tell y'all I am just so humbled by the place The Lord has me in today. I get to dress up, hang out with Jhigh students, love on Preschoolers all while singing & dancing. Um can you say dream job?

I will be updating my blog daily with fun pictures and stories throughout the week! I can't wait to see the greater things The Lord has in store this week at VBS and the Team Kid Ministry!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Embracing my Imperfections....

I'm going to be honest today I have been fighting a hard battle & that one friends is the one of perfection.

Let's get real. I am not perfect. I know I'm not perfect. Then why do I put the pressure on myself to appear that way?

Maybe it's because I have a fear of disappointing the ones I love the most in my life. Because I'm afraid of failure. Or maybe deep down I just put that pressure on myself.....the pressure to be the girl who has it all together.

But you know what....I know the truth. I do, I really do. I know that every single day I don't even come close to being perfect. I am so thankful that I have been learning all about God's grace this past week in Bible study. It is so easy for us to extend grace to others and accept the precious grace of our Savior, but when it comes to extending grace to ourselves it's tough.

I'm learning that lesson today. Learning to extend grace to myself and to fail forward and not backwards. To view my imperfections as beautiful. As things that cause me to depend on my Savior even more because if I was perfect I wouldn't need Him. I will take flaws and imperfections any day because I would rather walk that road with Him then not walk with Him at all.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Vacation Bible School is Happening Y'all!!!

Three exciting weeks of Vacation Bible School begins Monday at the Woodway Campus at 9:00! I am so excited about the adventure the Team Kid staff is about to start! I simply can't wait to see what God is going to do in and through us to reach the precious kids that will pass through the doors of three of our campuses. Not signed up still can! Here are the dates and times for all of the won't want to miss out on all of the fun!

  • Woodway: July 13-17th: 9:00-12:00
  • West: July 20th-24th: 9:00-12:00
  • North: July 27th-31st: 9:00-12:00

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July Weekend...

I spent this past week in Boston and Maine for a little rest and relaxation! It was such a great trip to a part of the country I have never explored before! Let me just tell y'all....they are two of the neatest cities I have ever stepped foot in. The history of Boston was incredible and Kennebunkport....well, you just have to see it to believe it! It is the most beautiful/magical place ever! Here are some pictures from the trip...hope you enjoy them!!

Fun streets of Boston...
Where everyone knows your name....Cheers!

Duck tour around Boston...quack, quack!

Sunset on our last night....

Shopping on the streets on Kennebunkport....

Beautiful & breathtaking

"Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert."
Isaiah 43:19

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