Thursday, January 8, 2009

Round Top, Texas-Population 77....

This past weekend the Team Kid staff got headed to Round Top, Texas to get away for a few days to learn, plan, and fellowship! The GIGL girls (that is what the call us) scheduled out the entire two years of curriculum for GIGL! I am very excited about what we are teaching them about our precious Jesus! By the time they promote to JUMP we will have taken them through the entire Bible in the two years they have with us! I am so blessed to get to work with Meghan and Anna Lee in this ministry!
I learned some great things as well in our group sessions. Here is some of the wisdom I came away with. Most of it consists of some simple and sweet reminders to make GIGL the best that it can be!
  •'s not all about me
  • Don't take yourself so seriously
  • Recognize God's work in your ministry
  • Protect your personal life
  • Work hard and smart, and be absolutely teachable

I am so thankful for Second Baptist Church and the Team Kid ministy! I truly belive that I work with one of the best teams in the country! I can't wait to see how The Lord is going to use us in 2009-2010 to love on kids and further His kingdom!

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"Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert."
Isaiah 43:19

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