What does my reflection show? When people see me do they see Christ or do they see Joy? Do I live my life for me and to make my name known or for Christ & His name? My heart is the later of the statement but everyday I find myself falling so short.
I do. My hearts desire is to make Christ known. To be a reflection of His love. For Him to be a reflection in my face. To be just like Moses when he came down from that mountain. That when people see me they see the love of my precious Savior. That His love would radiate from me & be contagious. That it wouldn't be circumstantial but would be rooted deep in His love & what He's done for me.
My prayer is that no matter what my reflection would show Christ and His love. Honestly, that's me. That is my heart's desire. That I would live it, reflect it, and show it to the precious people that He places in my path on a daily basis.
What does your reflection say about you today?