Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Greater Things are Yet to Come...

Yesterday as I was driving the song God of This City came on the radio. As I heard the intro music come on it literally sent chills up my spine and I looked down to find goosebumps on my arm.

Let me explain.....our Student Ministry is right in the midst of Beach Retreat. This is a week they take High School and Junior High students to Gulf Shores & South Padre to unplug for the week.

Our High School Ministry is in Gulf Shores right now and I keep on hearing all about the amazing things The Lord is doing there! I am headed to South Padre next week and am very expectant of what The Lord is going to do in the lives of the students, leaders, and staff.

It's funny looking back in my prayer journal....I prayed almost a year ago that The Lord would give me a heart for Junior High students and oh my stars has He been faithful to answer! My heart for these students is overflowing with love. I desire to pour into them with everything that is in me. To inspire & encourage, all while telling them about the love of our precious Savior. I so badly want to be the hands & feet of Jesus to these precious students & again am so humbled that He has in-trusted me with these students.

I believe with my whole heart that greater things are yet to come for these students & the 210 Student Ministry. I can't wait to hear about the big things The Lord has done on the beach in Gulf Shores and then get to witness it first hand next week in South Padre!

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"Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert."
Isaiah 43:19

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