Sunday, May 10, 2009

Do you Dream BIG?

I had an interesting conversation with a friend yesterday as we were working a baseball clinic at the church. We were talking about the different kinds of people that we come in contact with....about those that are really organized and those that are know what I'm talking uniquely different we all are but somehow it just seems to work. We all mesh together despite our differences and that fact that we are knitted together so differently-what makes us special and unique and how without those people (for me it's the super organized) we wouldn't be able to do it!

G then looked at me and said that she was a dreamer and that when she dreams she dreams BIG! This really struck a chord with me....yes, I think I'm a dreamer but somedays I dream big and on others my dreams are small.

Father make me a big dreamer.......

This reminder came at such a sweet time. This morning we are starting When I grow up in prayer for these next four weeks? That every single precious preschooler that walks into my room would dream big! That they would know and trust that our God is a BIG God who can do BIG things....that they would know that even at 4 and 5 years old....and that myself and the JHigh students that serve along side of me would be a living example of how big our God is and the big things He can do....and that along with the preschoolers those JHigh students would dream big too.

So I challenge you today to step out of the dream big dreams and not put limitations on what God can do!

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"Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert."
Isaiah 43:19

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