Monday, November 17, 2008


Last summer I had the privilege of going on a two week mission trip to Cambodia. This was my first international mission trip so I was experiencing every kind of emotion possible. Excitement, joyfulness, fearfulness, eagerness, hopefulness....the list goes on and on. Let's be honest, I am a creature of habit.....I can not stand change and knew that in 24 hours I was going to be thrown into a world of it. However, I was very expectant of how the Lord was going to grow and stretch me during these two weeks. Our main mission was to go and share the love of our precious Savior with some oprhans at a place named the Shelter of Love. Let me tell you, love is definitely what you feel at that place. Not just any kind of love though, the love of our Savior-it is all over the place!His love shines through the smiles of these precious children, the way they served us....yes, us-even though we where there to serve and love on them I was given it ten times in return. When I left the states a question I got a lot was "what do you think you are going to learn?" Well, I can tell you that my answer was not what I learned. I left Cambodia with a new insight on love and what loving God's people looks like, and how important it is to love with an unconditional Christ like love. Have I gotten it? By all means no way-but I am striving everyday to love more like Him! It is my prayer that His love would shine through me every single day-even on the days when I am tired or cranky!

I had always heard that you could fall in love with a country after going but I never though that would happen to me. Well friends, my heart for this country is huge! Second Baptist is taking a group back there during the summer of 09' and I hope I get to be apart of that trip! I didn't get to travel back there this past summer because of a foot injury so you can imagine the longing I have to go back! I found some pictures the other day and wanted to share them with you!

Romans 10:15 "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things."

Shelter of Love

The team I served with
Sweet Alice....

Teaching the kids.....

1 comment:

Ms.Dare2bWise said...

i think what you're doing is amazing and inspiring! I want to do that someday too...

"Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert."
Isaiah 43:19

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